Call it what you want – male pattern baldness, androgenetic alopecia, diffuse thinning – the bottom line is that you’re losing your hair and you want to do something about it.
If you’re considering options like hair restoration surgery, hair systems or concealers, stop and think for a moment. Do you really want a lifetime of worrying about how your transplant is holding up, or when you’ll need your next one? You want to rely on temporary cover-ups that you glue or shake on to your head? Scalp micropigmentation offers a stylish, modern look without any of the drawbacks of these other options
Alopecia Treatment
Scalp Aesthetics Dearborn, we take great joy in performing our procedure on men and women with alopecia. We go over native hair as if it wasn’t there, knowing and planning for the fact that these follicles may fall out as. We treat your entire scalp, including the areas where you still have hair.
Scalp Aesthetics Dearborn, we take great joy in performing our procedure on men and women with alopecia. We go over native hair as if it wasn’t there, knowing and planning for the fact that these follicles may fall out as. We treat your entire scalp, including the areas where you still have hair.
Alopecia is defined as a hair loss disease that affects men, women and children. This disease comes often when the person doesn’t expect it with no initial symptoms. There is no cure for Alopecia as of yet.
No one truly knows the cause but we do know it is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack the hair follicles, there is also a close relation to stress and anxiety disorder as causing Alopecia. Sometimes taking too much medication or a bacterial infection can also be linked to Alopecia.
Alopecia affects approximately 1.7 percent of the population, Alopecia is hereditary, as we have seen both father/son or mother/daughter come in for our procedure together.
Can SMP successfully camouflage alopecia?
At Scalp Aesthetics, we take great joy is performing our procedure on men and women with alopecia. We go over native hair as if it wasn’t there, knowing and planning for the fact that these follicles may fall out as well at some point in the future. In other words, we would usually treat your entire scalp, including the areas where you still have hair.
The benefit of this approach is two-fold – your current alopecia symptoms are completely hidden, and you also have peace of mind in knowing that if the patches do change shape or size, or even shift position, you’re still good to go.
This procedure sometimes may take up to 4 treatments to get the total look the client wants to achieve. The results are incredible, and the looks on our clients faces are extremely rewarding.
Scalp Aesthetics Dearborn, we take great joy in performing our procedure on men and women with alopecia. We go over native hair as if it wasn’t there, knowing and planning for the fact that these follicles may fall out as. We treat your entire scalp, including the areas where you still have hair.
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